I hope you all had a great weekend! On Saturday, we went to a little carnival with bouncy houses, a petting zoo and Zoltar. It was a good time. We also went to our favorite restaurant with some good friends and we tried our hand at some homemade ice cream. The flavor was great, but I think something went wrong with the texture. I'll have to keep trying and let you know how it goes. This week is going to be full of everything! We have dinner parties, a soccer game, a few projects and of course some work. I hope your week is off to a great start!


We had a great Father's day weekend, I hope you did too! As you can see our weekend consisted of a lot of food and playtime. We went out for sushi (Elliott's favorite!) on Friday and Saturday - we may have a problem. I made waffles on Sunday morning and chocolate chip cookie ice cream sandwiches for dessert after a group effort dinner at my parent's house. It was a delicious weekend. Elliott is seriously lucky to have such an awesome dad. They have the best time together playing and learning. I love seeing them together and Elliott is always trying to be more like Preston in every way possible. I'm lucky to have such an amazing man. We had fun spoiling him over the past few days. Hope your weekend is off to a great start!


We had the best weekend. My parents wanted to take the grandkids for a few days, so of course we took full advantage. We stayed up far too late going to the drive-in. It was great! Saturday we went to a fantastic little murder mystery party. We dressed up in our best 20's garb and accused ourselves of being the murderers. It was the best! Not to mention the food was so, so tasty. Saturday also happened to be Preston's half birthday, so I spoiled him with a fancy Italian dinner and a waffle maker. When we picked up Elliott on Sunday evening from a long weekend of fun with my parents and his cousins, he immediately passed out. A great sign of a fun filled weekend for a kiddo. 

P.S. The second photo was borrowed from Michelle. Who also happened to be one of the hosts to the awesome murder party. Thanks, Michelle! 


This weekend was so awesome it's ridiculous. Saturday was the best day ever. My nephew's birthday was amazingly fun. We made a giant water slide of sorts that went down my parent's hill in the backyard. It was crazy! Elliott went down and climbed back up and slid down and ran back up, over and over. Needless to say he was beat at the end of the day. It was a just a really great family day. Yesterday was a total relaxation day. Which was much needed. Elliott even took a real-life nap! It's been a while since he has done that. I know people say "four year olds don't really need naps" but I need him to need naps. Hope you all had a great weekend! Happy Monday!


Hope you had a great memorial day weekend. The last few days have been a blast. We had such a great mini vacation to Denver visiting with friends, eating amazing food and just having fun in general.  Can you just imagine how these two littles got along? Adorable! We also started the new season of Arrested Development. Which we are loving! Why that show was ever canceled is beyond me. We have way more pictures of the trip but are still rounding them up for another post coming soon. For now, I am beat. I just drove close to 9 hours. See you tomorrow!