Well, I wasn't really expecting to take most of last week off from the blog, but that's the way it goes sometimes I guess! This weekend happened to be Elliott's half birthday so we had a great time partying with some friends and just doing fun things he requested. He was a very lucky boy and got a toy he's been begging for for probably a year. We like being withholding. I have to say I was afraid it might be one of those buys that he is excited about and then gets over after a day of non-stop playing, but he has been completely inseparable! Which I like to see. Preston and I went on a mini-date and had the best beef brisket known to man. Melt in your mouth good. Doesn't need any sauce or salt good. That good. Basically it was an awesome weekend. Happy Monday! 


This weekend Elliott and I decided to have a little impromptu date and head down to the farmers market. Besides driving around for 20 minutes looking for parking, we loved it! We picked out some peaches and raspberries that were unbelievably good and have been snacking on them all weekend. I wanted to find the brazilian cheese bread booth because, who can resist some pan de queso? And we bought a few french pastries as well. It made for a great little lunch at the park. It was a perfect date! On Sunday, Elliott insisted on doing his own hair (heaven help me) and we played some games and Elliott got to bed before eight! It was a miracle! I hope you had a wonderful weekend and that your week is off to a great start.


We had so much fun this weekend! On Friday we headed down to Granary Row where we enjoyed the food trucks, live music and bright colors. I think I took about 100 pictures of all the colorfulness! Saturday, Elliott's cousins came for a visit and we headed to the science museum where they were having some games and prizes for the kids. They also had a dance contest which was hilarious to watch! The two little ones weren't as interested in the science part of the museum, but luckily they have a fun little play area that was right up their alley! That night we had a grand time playing card games and just hanging out. All in all a pretty awesome weekend! Here's to a hopefully equally awesome week!


This weekend's post bleeds into the 4th of July - you forgive me, right? The last few days we spent making plans and then not following through with them, listening to rainstorms and going to the movies. We actually went to the movies three times this past week! It was great. It's not very often that there are movies we actually want to shell out money for. Earlier today we went to a little road rally where there were races and music and food. What else do you need? Elliott was thrilled to race and receive a few medals - even though he unknowingly cheated. This week is off to a great start! 

P.S. In case you are wondering we saw these three movies. And loved them all. 


This weekend went pretty much as expected. The pool party was a blast and Elliott cried when we had to leave. A good sign that he had a great time! Saturday night was boys night. Preston and Elliott built a fort, ate pizza, watched a movie and slept in the fort. Which meant I got to hang out in my room and have the bed all to myself! It was glorious. Maybe a sign we need a larger bed? This upcoming week will be a doozy. Loads of projects and work to get done so we can have a fun 4th of July. Do you have any plans for the 4th? Have a great (short) week!