This weekend, we made the best of the last day of Summer. We went to the park, we skipped rocks in a creek, and we had a movie night (E.T. Elliott watching Elliott. How cute is that?) as if school hadn't started and bed time didn't matter. That last one is more of a reflection of bad parenting. But you get the idea. Even though the park was fun and the creek was magical, my favorite part of this weekend was something simple. We have been working with Elliott to learn how to spell his name for the last while, but without success. Then last night, out of nowhere, he did it! He spelled his name with out any help whatsoever! He says they have been practicing at school too, which would explain his lack of interest when I try and teach him when he gets home. No matter where he learned it, I am thrilled! People misspell his name all the time. When I named him, I thought I was giving him a "classic" name. One that wouldn't be misspelled or mispronounced his whole life (like my name!) but one that wasn't super common either. But ever since he was born, people misspell it. Sorry, kid. I thought I was doing you a favor. But now that he knows how to spell his name, he can correct it when it is misspelled! It's' all about the small triumphs, people. So for anyone who is interested, here is proof:
Hope your week is off to a great start!


This weekend was packed full of fun for us. I didn't even get to work on my projects! The fair was a blast. There was no one there do to the off and on rain, so Elliott had first choice of rides and exhibits! He loved it. On Saturday we ventured out to a new to us pizza place and to the park for a bit of fun in the rain. I was wishing we had a little toy boat to put in the gutters. It was really raining! Then later that night we picked up some milkshakes from one of our favorite places and headed home to watch The Princess Bride (Elliott's first time!) It was a lot of fun. I hope you had a fun weekend as well! 


We had such a blast this weekend. On Friday our power went out, so we had to forgo our planned date night in and swap it out for a date night at the movies. I'll take it! Saturday was the absolute best. We had a free ticket to the zoo and since it was going to expire soon, we decided to put it to good use. We are so glad we did! Elliott was literally running from exhibit to exhibit asking questions and looking on in awe. He even won a prize in a dance contest with a cockatoo! But more on that later. Sunday was a low-key day, but we still managed to have fun and we tried out a delicious new recipe! Love it when that happens. This week is off to a great start. It will be busy, but it's a good busy. Happy Monday!


Honestly not a whole lot happened this weekend. That was my fault. My silly illness just won't go away! Elliott did however write his name for the first time all by himself. He also is kind of obsessed with his new pants complete with suspenders. They're his new "school" pants. And maybe I'm a little obsessed with them too. Just a little bit. Preston introduced Elliott to one of his favorite childhood movies - The Never Ending Story - I have to say it's a lot cheesier than I remember! But Elliott loves it. Of course. This week we will be getting the little guy ready and psyched up for school and I have a few fun projects for his first week to school. Happy Monday! 


What a fun weekend! We ventured to the park and climbed some trees, we made it to a pool just in time to get kicked out of the water for an hour due to lightning. Which we took full advantage of and got some soft pretzels at the concessions stand. The clouds kept threatening to storm, but they never did - at least not while we were there! And we finished off our perfect Saturday with milkshakes, dinner and a movie - in that order. Then Sunday came and Preston and I were sick. Not terribly sick, but just enough to make you feel out of it. But that didn't stop us from having fun at home! Did you ever play that game where you put your fingers up in front of your face until they look like you are squishing someone else's head? I used to play that all the time when I was younger and I decided it was time to introduce that to Elliott. He still doesn't get it. Ah well, more fun for us! Hope your Monday is off to a great start!