This weekend was great. We have loved seeing my grandparents again and just hanging out with family. Elliott and his cousins as always, had a grand time playing together. It was fun watching them get excited about all the different colored leaves and run up to show them to me like it was all new for me too. Kids are the best. And Elliott continued his obsession with pumpkin decorating. Isn't it cute? It's a pumpkin self-portrait. Such a likeness! Also Preston and I snuck in a little date night and found a new to us amazing Indian restaurant and saw Wadjda. If you can see it, please do. This week will be a lot like this weekend. Lots of hanging out with family mixed with real-life and trying to get some work done. I hope your weekend was great and your Monday is off to a good start! 

P.S. If you are a Wes Anderson fan, you have to see this


This weekend was filled with fun. My childhood best friend came to town with her little family, it was so great seeing her and seeing Elliott play with her kids was like a dream come true. I remember when we were little we would talk about living next door to each other and our kids would be best friends, just like us. Well, she lives on the opposite side of the country. But it was amazing seeing our kids play! After we parted ways, Elliott kept telling us he wished he had told his new lady friend that he loved her. You can just imagine what that did to my heart. It was a perfect fall weekend. The weather was so crisp and refreshing. We found any excuse to stay outside. I hope your weekend was a great one! Happy Monday!


We had a pretty low-key but fun weekend. Again. Elliott caught my bug, so we have been taking it easy. But we did manage to read some books, make some cookies and carve and decorate our pumpkins! It was a lot of fun. The cookies are chocolate chip that we we made as one big cookie and then cut out the  Halloween shapes after it was baked. It worked like a charm! This week we are going to work on getting healthy and continuing with the Halloween fun. I hope your weekend was a great one!


Well, this weekend was a lot less eventful than we had planned. I caught a cold so we mostly hung out around the house, drew pictures, built lego structures and made peach lemonade. The lemonade was heavenly. I'm not a huge lemonade person, but this is worth making. Also, I have finally been fiddling with and starting to learn illustrator! Up until now I have made everything graphics wise using word. I know. It's insane. I am pretty excited about all of the things I can make now! There is one that will be showing it's face here tomorrow. Is your interest peaked yet? Good! Then we'll see you back here tomorrow. Hope your weekend was a great one!


We had so much fun this weekend! Friday was spent hanging out at home, playing marble run and finger puppets. Saturday Elliott got to have a sleep over with his cousins and Preston and I had an awesome date night. We went to dinner at a fondue restaurant (Preston's first time!) and it was so much fun. Not to get too sappy or anything, but there isn't anyone I would rather spend 2+ hours doing fondue with. And it didn't hurt that the food was crazy good. Then after dinner we went and saw Enough Said, if you can go see it, we recommend it. It was cute and funny and pretty realistic. Sunday was my dad's birthday so we celebrated and showered him with gifts, great food and pie. He's not a huge cake fan, but he's a big fan of pie! It really was a great weekend. I hope your weekend was equally awesome! Happy Monday!