
The last few days really got us into the holiday spirit! Besides all the snow we've been having, we met a new friend that is visiting us from the North Pole. His name is Tinsel and he's been taking notes on Elliott's behavior to report to the big man. I am considering asking Tinsel to stay all year because Elliott has been an angel since he has shown up! We've loved seeing where Tinsel shows up each morning. Elliott and I went on a little date this weekend too. We played with friends then did a little shopping and stopped by the toy store just to get him even more excited for Christmas. He of course, wanted to bring home the giant gum-ball machine. That kid. Oh, and yesterday was Preston's birthday! I think I forgot to mention that last week. We spoiled him with blueberry waffles, coconut shrimp tacos and chocolate chip cookies. This week we are super excited. Not just for the fun projects we have lined up, but Elliott's grandma is coming to visit! He hasn't seen her in two and a half years. Which is just wrong. She will be here for a few weeks and we couldn't be more excited about it! I hope your week is off to a great start. Happy Monday!



This long weekend was a blast! Thanksgiving was great as usual, but unlike most Thanksgivings, this year was pretty much cooking free. It was a turkey day miracle! Over the next few days, Elliott's cousins slept over for a couple of days, so what that means is more fun! We played in leaf piles, hit up the park, played a little mini-golf and ate far too many sweets. It got a little chilly, but still perfect weather for playing outside. Hope you had a fantastic Thanksgiving and a great weekend. Now, let's get ready for Christmas, shall we? 


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These past few days have been a lot of fun. Elliott and I went on a little date to one of our favorite pizza places and he was so excited to get his own "soda" he danced in the middle of the restaurant. You can only imagine the kind of giggles and adoring looks he received. Friday night we went to see the new Hunger Games movie for which I made a few fan tote bags for the ladies to sport. It was a lot of fun! If you liked the first movie, you will love this one. If this were a movie review blog, I would go on and on about the acting, the character development and so on and so forth. So good. The rest of the weekend consisted of blanket forts, coming up with Christmas wish lists and a lot of playing. I hope your week is off to a great start. Happy Monday!


This weekend was a whirlwind of busy. We went car shopping, went to lunch with friends, Elliott went  to Disney on Ice and we topped it off with a birthday party. And that was just Saturday! The car shopping is fun but stressful. We like test driving cars - especially the ones we have no intention of buying. Ha! This week is going to be filled with a great mixture of work and fun. We are loving the fall weather we are having. It's been an unusually long fall for these parts and we are so grateful. We're not the biggest fans of snow, so the longer we can take walks and play in leaves, the better! I hope you had a great weekend and that your Monday is off to a great start.


Our weekend started on Halloween so there was a lot of playing going on as well as a lot of work related things. But still fun ones! Halloween was of course a great time and Elliott had a blast with his cousins going door to door begging for candy. Of which we are trying our best to keep out of reach of little hands in hopes of regulating the sugar consumption. Somedays we are successful. Others, not so much. On Sunday we gathered for a last night with my grandparents before they head home and to celebrate my sister's birthday. I always feel so lucky to have the family I have. All we need to have a good time are a couple of chairs to sit around in and laugh the night away. They really are the best. I hope your Monday is off to a great start!