We have gone to Cornbelly's every October since Elliott was one year old. There is so much for the kids to do and there is plenty for the whole family to enjoy. And then there is Preston, who loves even playing on all the kiddie stuff. Which is a big reason why I love that man of mine. They have big slides, bouncy pillows and tons of playgrounds strategically placed throughout. And of course, there is the corn maze. Also, their corn dogs and fries are pretty amazing. We always go at least once during the month of October (when it's open) and we usually go with Elliott's cousins and other local family. Again, everyone has a blast! If you have the chance to go to Cornbelly's we highly recommend it. And if you can go on a weekday, it is SO much better than the weekend. Less crowded means less stress for parents with children who wander. Cornbelly's, we love you. Until next year!

You''l have to excuse the picture overload. It was hard enough to cut it down this much!


Over the weekend we bought some pumpkins and decided to doll them up a bit. Elliott and I opted for paint but Preston tried his hand at the knife. Can you believe his mad skills? Without looking at anything, no stencils, nothing. Just did it. Elliott's is obviously a ghost super hero and mine is a ghostly family portrait complete with glow in the dark polka dots. We had a really fun time making them, but we're worried Jack might not make it to Halloween. Fingers crossed!


This little french bakery has everything going for it. It's quaint, well located and delicious. I think most people go for the desserts - and I don't blame them. They are amazing! But we also love their lunch menu. My favorite is the sesame chicken salad wrap with edamame. It is so, so good. And you really can't go wrong with anything made on their fresh baked bread. The whole menu is incredible! That pastry right there is a coconut eclair. Yeah. I know. And can I just say, I love neon signs. I want one pretty badly. It is kind of a shame though that all of those wires have to show. But I still love them. If you are in the area, stop by Les Madeleines. And take us with you! You won't be sorry.


A few months ago a friend of mine told me Target had some great classic books with all gorgeous new covers. And in the dollar bins no less! We headed straight for the nearest Target to get some and we have loved them ever since. I especially love the clever and colorful covers. We have been reading a chapter or so out of one of the books each night for the last little while. Elliott loves them! Preston's great talent for doing voices while he reads certainly has something to do with that. Elliott has especially been loving Pinocchio. Which, for anyone who doesn't know, is quite a bit darker than the Disney version. We love it! Elliott has even requested we print out pages from the book for him to color. As he colors, he tries to do the voices and tell the story. It's so sweet. If you can, get to your nearest Target and buy these. They are a treat for the whole family and are sure to stick around for years to come.


Chobani is probably the most famous greek yogurt company out there. And for a reason! It's all natural and really, really tasty. Elliott has been eating it since he was a baby. We love it! We were thrilled when we discovered Chobani's line Chanmpion tubes for kids! They taste even better but are still packed with the good stuff mom's and dad's love. Our favorites are strawberry and the new dragon fruit. So good! I love that the tubes are super portable - we take them everywhere! We have even frozen them to make popsicles. If you haven't tried the tubes, do it. Your kids will love them and so will you! Because we love Chobani so very much and because they love us, we are giving away 8 boxes of Champion Tubes in a variety of flavors! The winner will receive a large box right at their door filled with 8 boxes of every flavor Chobani offers. Elliott loved receiving the package in the mail. Who doesn't love to get mail? We really can't say enough great things about this yogurt. We know you and your family will love it too!

Here's how you can enter to win: (1) Leave a comment below stating where you would take some tubes for an easy snack. (2) Follow us on Twitter and comment using our handle @ardorblog, (3) Like us on facebook and comment. Three chances to enter! The giveaway ends on 09/21 at midnight. After that, a winner will be picked at random and notified. Good luck, friends!