It's begun. The inevitable "dino" phase all little boys go through. I kind of knew it would happen, and so long as I don't start buying hideous clothing just because it has a dinosaur on it, I am A-OK with it. I found a bunch of $1 dinosaurs the other day at the store and when I gave them to Elliott he was super excited. But then he looked concerned. He held one out to me and said "I wanna paint it pink, Mom." Now that was something I could get in to! He started lining up the dinosaurs and assigning them painting colors. Blue, purple, green, yellow and pink. A few minutes later, he put me to work.
I only had pink, yellow and green but blue and purple are forthcoming! Elliott loves how they turned out. He said, and I quote "Mommy, actually..it's perfect!" Thanks, my boy. Anything for you. (Pats self on back)


I hope you all had a great weekend and Father's day! We had a grand time spoiling Preston. Elliott and I made him breakfast, gave him a few gifts (the checkers board was a hit!), and I made dinner. As you can see it had something to do with a whole chicken. This was my first time dealing with a chicken that hadn't been skinned, gutted and boned, and packaged. I know, I'm such a pansy! In my defense, I once had to assist a chicken farmer in Argentina kill and pluck a couple of chickens. Which was obviously far worse than preparing a chicken for dinner. Nonetheless, it was gross but doable and absolutely worth it. The meal was delicious! For dessert I made chocolate chip cookie ice cream sandwiches which as I mentioned, are his two favorite desserts in one. So, yes. They were a hit as well! It really was a fantastic weekend. We love you to the moon, Preston. 


We had a fantastic weekend. Perfect weather and friends in town is a guaranteed great time. It was a pretty chill weekend overall. No running around trying to do everything we want while we have people in town. They just wanted a fun weekend with us. We walked around a lot, saw the amazing skyline at night and of course, ate amazing food. We hit up the library and craftiness for mama, and the park and chocolate shake for little man. Preston went to Philadelphia for a day and of course, took no pictures. ha! Hope you all had a fantastic weekend, happy Monday!


Obviously, we did quite a bit of egg decorating this weekend. We dyed a few and painted a few. Elliott loved painting them! I think we might do more later this week. Can't have too many, right? We also ran some errands, went to swim lessons, and had dinner with friends. All in all, a pretty great weekend! Oh, and to polish off the weekend, Elliott thought would indulge himself with an extra large bowl of popcorn. Boy loves him some popped corn! Hope you had a fantastic weekend. Happy Monday!


We went to the zoo yesterday with some friends. It was awesome and an all day thing (more on that later!) so we'll be doing some resting this weekend. We'll also be getting together with some friends, hitting up a new park and watching a few movies. I am also hoping to pull some April Fools day pranks. But we'll see if I remember :) Have a wonderful weekend!

Here are my favorite links for the week, enjoy!

More "in a box" goodness, 1 + 2
Beautiful mommy uniforms
Totally reminds me of my mom
Ha! Genius.
Rad resumes
Awesome kid photos
Clever wheat grass