/Happy Monday! Things have been pretty great around here lately. Especially over the weekend! We had a lot of time to play which is always nice. We went to the park a few times, had a picnic, played some kick ball and watched Elliott maneuver his scooter around the playground sidewalks. He's getting pretty good on that thing! With the spring weather we have been taking advantage and spent as much time outside as possible. And then it snowed. What? Yes. It totally bummed me out, but thankfully it only lasted one night. Spring, don't let me down! This upcoming week we have some fun Easter crafts and printables we think you'll love. I can't wait to share them with you! We hope your weekend was pretty fantastic.
P.S. If you're wondering why Elliott is making the face he is in the last picture, he had bit his tongue right as I snapped the picture. Poor guy.
P.P.S. If you don't already you can follow me on instagram where you will inevitably see pictures like these and no longer need to check in here on Mondays. But please still do.