/What is valentine's day if not an excuse to use corny puns? I wanted to make some valentines that both boys and girls would love to hand out and receive. I mean, who wouldn't want their own banana pin? It's really simple to make and the pins can be made in bulk! To get started, you can download the bananas right here, and the valentine cards right here. To make them, all you need is some printable shrink film, a printer, scissors and an oven. Print the bananas onto the shrink film paper and be sure to follow the directions closely and you should get some cute little bananas in the end! You'll notice that the bananas turned out a lot darker once they are shrunk, that's normal! Also, the banana design is about 50%+ larger than they end up being after you bake them. So to make a enough for a whole class, you'll likely need to use several sheets of the shrink film. But it is SO worth it! To make the bananas into pins, just grab some small pin backs and attach them to the backs with strong adhesive (I used super glue) Then pin them onto the valentine cards and they are ready to gift! Easy and fun, right?! I have to warn you, the shrink film is addictive. Happy shrinking!