/Did you know it's national children's book week? We love books around here. A lot. Our visits to the library usually result in stacks of books that we end up struggling to carry. Enter the book tote! This will be so handy for our trips to the library over the summer. It's a simple freezer paper stencil. I used my Cricut Explore to cut the freezer paper, then just ironed it onto the tote and painted. It was so nice not having to cut out each piece by hand with an x-acto knife! But you could definitely do it that way if you don't have a Cricut handy. You can download the books pattern here and the word books right here. I left them in png form so you can size them however you need to for your own tote. I sized mine to be about 12 inches wide which fit our tote perfectly. I used neon coral fabric paint after the freezer paper stencil was on. I'm obsessed with this color! Elliott loved using his own book tote at the library. And I loved that I wasn't lugging around a ton of books for him. He was in charge of the books so if it got to be too heavy for him to carry, he had to put enough books back so he could carry it on his own. I don't know if that's a mom win or a mom fail, but it worked for me!
Our library is the coolest. The kids section is an entire floor of nooks and crannies for kids to read and play one of which is this amazing "attic". I love it when the city designs awesome stuff for kids.
Happy toting!