One of my favorite parts of Easter is the egg hunt! Remember how we've been kind of obsessed with temporary tattoos? Well, I thought I would make some special eggs with little messages for the kids to enjoy. They are basically temporary tattoos for eggs. Sweet, right? I thought it would be fun to have some fun phrases as well as the traditional "happy easter" on them. My favorite ones are "you found me" and "you crack me up". To make your own, just download the templates and print them off onto tattoo paper. I used this paper
and they turned out perfectly! Follow the instructions on the paper (minus the silhouette cutter - unless you are super fancy like that), cut them out and put them on! You can download the templates here and here for personal use and make sure you have a blast with them. Otherwise, what's the point?
If you like these, you should check out these fancy ones Jordan made. So pretty! We had a blast making our eggs and can't wait to use them. Happy hunting!