If you have little ones and you don't already have Endless Alphabet, get it. It's the best app! Elliott has learned so many more letters and the sounds they make. He's just a few steps away from reading. And his vocabulary has increased a ton! Not only is Endless Alphabet super educational, it's a lot of fun and the illustrations are amazing. I love sitting with Elliott and watching him play it so I can see the little cartoons at the end of each word he spells. I have to admit, I have never paid for an app, let alone one that costs $5. But the reviews were too good not to give it a try. And boy am I glad I did! Best $5 I ever spent. Except for that one time I bought a pair of Elton John sunglasses at a gas station for $5. This app is tied with those sunglasses.
Here's a little demo video. Isn't it adorable?