DIY pipe cleaner gift tags
DIY pipe cleaner gift tags
DIY pipe cleaner gift tags

I have said it before and I am sure I will say it again and again. Kids love their names! They love to see the letters in their names and they really love to see their name on stuff. Especially gifts! These little gift tags are easy to make and the kids will love seeing their names almost as much as the gift itself! To make your own, you just need some pipe cleaners, preferably in the kiddo's favorite color. Then bend the pipe cleaner to form their name. Told you it was easy. I used some hot glue to attach these, but you could tie yours on with string or tape them on just as easily. Another huge bonus? Pipe cleaners are so, so cheap. You can get a ton for $1 and make one for every little one you know! Or you know, at least a few.

DIY pipe cleaner gift tags
DIY pipe cleaner gift tags