/I don't normally do movie reviews here, but I am making an exception for this one. I'm sure many of you have already seen Inside Out, but just in case there is one or two of you who haven't this post is for you. We have been looking forward to this movie for a long time. I mean, it's Pixar. I was a little skeptical about how they would manage to represent such abstract ideas. And of course, Pixar showed me! The idea behind the film is a glimpse inside a girl's mind, and we meet characters like Joy, Sadness and Anger who the kids both love and can identify with. I was blown away with the overall message of the film. It was deep and moving and relatable for everyone watching it. I won't give the message away, but just know that it's good. Real good. It's a message that not only every kid should see and understand (even if you need to explain it afterward to younger kids) but it's a message adults should remember too! It was a great reminder to me at least. It also delves into the idea of forgotten memories, long term memory, and even what experiences in our lives help to build out personalities and make us who we are. After the movie, Elliott was a little chatterbox of discussing and analyzing his own emotions. He talked about examples of anger and recalled favorite parts of the film while explaining to us why certain things happened in the movie. It was such a great conversation and it hasn't ended! Of course the toys that are cluttering the store shelves are cute and fun, but I think some of them are worth buying. Not only to support such a great family movie, but also to keep the emotion conversation going! So if you haven't seen it yet, go. Run! And if you have and didn't care for it, give it another try. I can't promise you'll love it like we do, but you might! I can't wait to go see it again.
And to go along with the movie, I made these fun placemats the kids will love coloring and playing with.
This post is sponsored by Fandango Family. All words and thoughts are my own. We REALLY love this movie! Thank you for supporting the companies who help make AWP possible.