Mother's Day crown
Flowers from my motherboy

I hope you all had a wonderful Mother's Day! I was spoiled with french toast, gifts, flowers and an impromptu mother's day song by a certain little boy. I feel so grateful to be the mother of such an amazing boy. He makes every day of my life so much brighter, funnier, and definitely more surprising. I'm so glad he's mine. And on the topic of motherhood, I seriously have the best mom. She is the most giving, selfless and fun mom and granny. The kids made her a crown from pipe cleaners and claimed her queen of the grannies and I couldn't argue with that. She is the best any kid could hope for. I don't normally get all mushy here, but yesterday had me feeling especially grateful and happy I couldn't not share some of those sentiments. I hope you had an equally great mother's day. Happy Monday!