You Guys Are SO Awesome + Giveaway!
You Guys Are SO Awesome cards

Have you heard of You Guys Are So Awesome? They create the most charming and adorable cards for your kids to flip through, learn and love. Some of the cards are a little young for Elliott, but they make amazing gifts for younger kids! Elliott's favorite thing is definitely the wallet. Ever since he got it in the mail he carries it with him everywhere thinking he's an adult and pretending to pay for us when we go places. It's a hoot! You Guys Are So Awesome has a Kickstarter going on right now so they can make even more fantastic cards for us to love. Do yourself a favor and head over to check it out. We love You Guys Are So Awesome SO much that we are partnering with them to giveaway a ton of rad stuff. Here's what you'll get if you win:

- ALL the brand new decks from their Kickstarter (Emotions, Seasons, Pets and House)

- $200 store credit for SO Awesome's existing decks and wallets

- $200 worth of SO Awesome decks donated to a classroom or non-profit of your choice!

Sounds pretty awesome, right? To enter to win all you have to do is comment here and answer the questions, what are your favorite toys that secretly teach your kids? OR Which new deck you would love to have and why! For additional entries:

You can back their Kickstarter by April 29 @11am EST. Pledge whatever you want!

Follow @andweplay on Instagram and follow @youguysaresoawesome

PLEASE NOTE: Receiving the new decks is completely conditional on the success of the Kickstarter campaign. The more you post and share, the more likely the campaign is to succeed, and odds of you winning new decks are even better. Don't keep this one a secret. If the campaign is not funded by the closing time of April 29, 2015 at 11 am EST, you and the school or non-profit will receive store credit for our existing decks only. 

You Guys Are SO Awesome cards and wallet
You Guys Are SO Awesome cards

Good luck!!