Last week my boys took me to bear lake for my half birthday. It was gorgeous and fun and perfect. In every way. The water is a beautiful blue color that made me feel like I was in the Caribbean. We decided to go to the most popular beach at the lake, and lucky for us it wasn't crowded at all! It may have had something to do with the fact that school just started and it was a weekday. But still. It was nice. Elliott and I built some drip sandcastles. We were bummed we forgot our sand toys to build a normal sandcastle, but I grew up building drip sandcastles and was happy to share my vast knowledge of dripping wet sand into lumpy towers. Between swimming and dripping sandcastles, the boys decided to rent a canoe. Elliott's first canoe ride! They had a great time paddling around the lake. And after a long day of fun in the sun, we finished the day with some amazingly good raspberry shakes. Bear lake is famous for their raspberries, so you can imagine how delicious the shakes were! It was really a perfect half birthday. I can't imagine a better one.


I am sure you have all played Jenga. Equilibloc is kind of like Jenga, but with colored blocks and dice! You roll the dice to see what color block you should take, so it's even trickier! When I saw it online I had to order it for us. However, I have to admit that I was pretty disappointed when it arrived in the mail. The colors aren't even close to what they show online. But still, it's a super fun game and Elliott loves it! It's the perfect family night game and it has quickly become a favorite. Along with the ring toss game of course. It's fun to see how tense this game can get! Elliott just thinks it's hilarious when one of us knocks the tower down. Not so much when he is the culprit. But ain't that the way it goes with toddlers?


If you have little ones and you don't already have Endless Alphabet, get it. It's the best app! Elliott has learned so many more letters and the sounds they make. He's just a few steps away from reading. And his vocabulary has increased a ton! Not only is Endless Alphabet super educational, it's a lot of fun and the illustrations are amazing. I love sitting with Elliott and watching him play it so I can see the little cartoons at the end of each word he spells. I have to admit, I have never paid for an app, let alone one that costs $5. But the reviews were too good not to give it a try. And boy am I glad I did! Best $5 I ever spent. Except for that one time I bought a pair of Elton John sunglasses at a gas station for $5. This app is tied with those sunglasses.
Here's a little demo video. Isn't it adorable?


Honestly, most of The Leonardo was way over Elliott's head. But we older children liked it! They do have this great little area for the kiddos with blocks and puzzles and games for them to play with. I just loved looking at it. So colorful and fun! The Leonardo was hosting a special event for kids that allowed us to go for free - bonus! The event also allowed Elliott to enter and win a plane throwing contest as well as a dance competition. That's my boy! While Elliott and one of his cousins were playing in the kiddo area, Preston and the older cousin explored the museum. They loved it! My nephew is a huge science nut (remember this?) so this was right up his ally. This explains why I have zero pictures of them in the museum. We will definitely be back soon! Maybe the next time we can go for free? 


I found out about The Rose Establishment when I went on a food tour during Alt and it was love at first taste. Everything here is good. The sandwiches, avocado on toast (my favorite) and all of their cookies are incredible. Our favorites are the rose and the chocolate chip with sea salt. Yeah. They are as good as they sound. It's the kind of place I want to rent out and throw a party in. Really cool industrial detailing and amazing food? What else do you need? If I do ever throw a party there, I will be sure to invite you. I promise.