Christmas Time in the City

Yesterday we ventured into the city to do some Christmas-y things we have really wanted to do. The first being to visit the Santa at the 34th St. Macy's. 
Turns out, there are several Santas at the 34th St. Macy's. But I think we got the real big man himself. Elliott LOVED it. We were worried that he might get nervous and cry like a lot of kids his age. And he did cry...when we left.
We made our way up 5th to FAO Schwartz where giant pianos were played, toys were played with and thrown and hearts were broken. Sorry son, we can't buy every schleich animal and we certainly can't afford the $250,000 giant piano. And Preston, we can't build our own life sized Indian Jones...well..maybe some day.
On our way back down 5th, we stopped to listen to some Christmas street music to which Elliott danced his heart out and the musicians received so many tips as a result they offered Elliott a position as their full time dancer. We respectfully declined. A little further down the street, Elliott spotted Santa. He ran up to him, arms outstretched and said "Hi Santa! I'm Elliott! I want a TRAIN!"
And of course, we visited the ginormous tree at Rockefeller Center. Beautiful, but terribly crowded. No respect for a woman with a stroller. It's true what they say about the city at Christmas. It's lovely and perfectly magical. So many twinkling lights, amazing window displays and sweet smelling roasted nuts at every corner. We highly recommend strolling up and down 5th around Christmas. You won't be disappointed!