The last few days were beautiful. I got all of my projects done a little early so we were able to play! Preston surprised me with a date night complete with a sitter. What? Yes. Saturday we did a bit of shopping and (drum roll please) we built our new grill! And we even had an excuse to use it on Sunday night with some friends that came over. But what we didn't realize was that our propane tank is more of a tank and not so much propane. Yep, it wasn't filled! Blerg. So we cooked our burgers on the stove one last time. Elliott sported a new tie to church and I absolutely love it. But more importantly so does he! So much so that he didn't want to take it off for hours afterward. I didn't complain. I mean, it's a great tie, right? But I did complain about the marker whiskers he made sure to draw on his face right before leaving. As you can imagine. You might be wondering what the little happy mountain is. Well I'll tell you. But not yet! It's part of a little DIY I am doing and wouldn't want to ruin the fun surprise. But isn't he cute? I thought so. Happy Monday!

P.S. For those wondering, I got the tie here on awesome sale.