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Shopping for baby can be tricky, there are so many stages while they are still a baby! I tend to buy gifts that they will soon grow into rather than what they are ready for now. Just to get some more time out of it! Shopping for baby is funny because really, let’s be honest. They don’t want anything, you want them to have it. So it’s kinda like a gift for you too!

1. This placemat goes everywhere with us. We have several! It’s perfect for babies just learning to eat independently. I love that it suctions to the table and stays in one place too! 2. We love the blankets from Milk Snob! They are beautifully made and so so soft. 3. The cutest little shoes for tiny feet! 4. The most adorable set of science books for baby. It’s never too early to start in on quantum physics, right? 5. This colorful baby toy is a definite favorite in our family! The colors are adorable, and all of the little rings and knobs make it easy to grasp and fun for baby. 6. Who doesn’t love a banana toy? We love this teether! The texture is interesting and I love how realistic it looks. 7. Possibly the most beautiful play gym ever! Simple and just gorgeous! 8. A fun little onesie! The best part about this one? It’s only $5! 9. We are big ball pit fans over here. My little ones play for hours in ours! I love the soft sides and while I can get on board with a grey scale for sure, I think I would love to get some pretty colorful balls to fill it with. So fun!