Airhead wreath party drinks | And We Play
Airhead wreath party drinks | And We Play

Guys, I can't even tell you how much Elliott loves Airheads. Like a lot. I used to eat them all the time when I was a kid so I give in every now and then and let him indulge himself in a little Airhead goodness. So I made a fun holiday wreath drink for him to enjoy! It was so easy to make and would be a great touch for any holiday party you might be throwing. Especially if it's a party for little ones! They'll love these!

Airhead wreath party drinks | And We Play

Here's what you'll need. Airheads - duh, straws of two different sizes if possible, rolling pin, exacto knife.

Airhead wreath party drinks | And We Play

First, roll out the green airhead till it's flat and wider.

Next, use the bigger straw (if you have one) and the exacto knife to cut out the shapes. For the center, I pushed the straw down and turned it to make the hole.

Airhead wreath party drinks | And We Play

Next! Roll out the red airhead. The flatter the better!

Airhead wreath party drinks | And We Play

Using the smaller straw, make cut outs like you did with the center of the wreath.

Airhead wreath party drinks | And We Play

Place the red dots onto the green and push them down.

Airhead wreath party drinks | And We Play

Then place the wreath on the side of your drink for embellishment, or place it on the straw to top off your drink. Either way is great!

Airhead wreath party drinks | And We Play
Airhead wreath party drinks | And We Play

This post was sponsored by Airheads. Follow them on facebook and pinterest!