/Before we get all excited about welcoming all of the new toys from the holidays into our lives, let's think about where we are going to put them. Every year, I go through Elliott's toys and sort through what he loves and uses, what I love - because let's be honest, it's not always the same thing - and what we are going to donate. We have to make way for all the new comers! Plus it helps us keep things nice and organized, getting a head-start on our new year's resolutions! To help keep things in order, I made some labels to help Elliott know where everything goes. It has done wonders for clean up time!
To make our own, first we needed some designs. I had my dear, sweet artistically gifted husband draw some of Elliott's favorite and most recognizable toys. After we had the drawings, I just scanned them in and used Avery's site to make them fit perfectly onto the labels we had. It was so easy! You could draw your own, find some images you like online, or have your little one draw their own pictures. The labels have proven to make clean up so much easier and if/when the labels wear out, we can just print off some new ones! You can download our designs too!
Panda, Train, Wood block, Bristle block, Hippo, Whiffle ball, Lego, Puppet, Crown
This post was sponsored by Avery. Thank you for supporting the great brands that help make And We Play possible!