Birthday Girl
Lego love

The last few days have been non-stop for us. We went on a couple of fun outings with family, had a birthday party, a sleepover with the cousins and a lot of fun on a trampoline. Those things scare me to death when I'm watching the kids jump away on them. But they love them! Luckily this trampoline is an in-ground one, so it puts my nerves at ease. A little. With the cousins over here for a sleepover, they pretty much just played with legos. They took occasional breaks to sleep and eat, but other than that it was build, build, build. I can't complain! Made my job of keeping them entertained a lot easier. After a weekend like this one, I feel like I need another weekend. You know those? It was a lot of fun though! Hope your weekend was a blast as well! Happy Monday!