Easter sticker download
Easter sticker printables
Easter sticker printables

Can you believe Easter will be here in just a few weeks? Crazy! I wanted to make something really simple to make your Easter special. If you don't do big elaborate baskets (I don't blame you) then these are perfect for filling with a few eggs and some candy. They are also great for gifting to friends or neighbors. We are planning on filling these with special treats for Elliott and his cousins, as a little surprise for Easter. I found the little buckets in one of my favorite places on earth. The Target dollar isle! But you could use the stickers for anything. Paper bags, baskets, buckets, you name it. You can download the sticker designs here. Just download, print them out onto sticker paper and cut them out. If you want to get real crafty, you can have your little ones color the images. Fancy, right? No matter what you use the stickers for, I am pretty sure your little ones will love them. So do them a solid and print them out, would ya?

Printable Easter stickers
Easter treat buckets
Printable easter stickers
Easter sticker buckets