watercolor paints

Happy weekend! I am so ready for this weekend and next week. I am taking a little bit of time off to spend some serious fun time with Elliott as it is his spring break. Lots of trips to the park, maybe the aquarium, and some other things we have been wanting to do. This weekend we don't have much planned yet. But I am itching to head to the drive-inn. We did it last year a few times just Preston and I, and I can't wait to share that goodness with Elliott. And per usual, we will probably do some painting. You can't imagine how many works of art we have all over our house! As much as I love, LOVE sharing my creative kiddo projects with you guys, sometimes there is something I love so much and want to share but just haven't had the space here to do it. And so! I've decided to start sharing some of my favorite links from around the web for the week every Friday. Just a few links to favorite images, ideas, pins, recipes, etc. You get the idea. It's not a new one that's for sure! So hopefully you guys enjoy them :)

Have a great weekend, friends. Here are this week's links!

These grilled cheese recipes have me feeling adventurous.

I'm obsessed with this brilliant Easter craft.

Easter balloons? Yes, please!

These would be sweet to have in a basket or two.

Amazing art center for littles.

Adorable bunny tees for kids!

Are you an apple or a pear? I think I might be both.


I am so ready for a fun and relaxing weekend. This week put me through the ringer! We're going to a bacon themed dinner tonight where it is rumored there will be chocolate covered bacon, bacon chocolate maple milk shakes and bacon wrapped tater tots. To say we are excited would be the understatement of the year! Oh and happy first day of fall! Are you doing anything festive to welcome fall? We'll have to make our fall to-do list soon. Have a great weekend, friends!

Here are my favorite links for the week, enjoy!

"I want to go to there."

Making these cookies very soon.

Elliott needs this in a bad way.

Pesto deviled eggs? Yes, please!

I feel a DIY coming on.

Lovely jewelry hooks.


I made some bubbles yesterday and spent the afternoon laying out on the grass with my little man. It was perfect. I can feel the cooler fall weather coming so we're trying to squeeze in as much outdoor time as possible. I'm hoping this weekend will be chock-full of the outdoor time! Have a beautiful weekend, friends. 

Here are some of my favorite links for the week, enjoy!

Loving this shirt for fall.

Great social media advice.

Beautiful, simple hair do.

Really want to make this for Elliott, but I'm scared to.

These sisters have some serious style.

I want these. For Preston, of course.


I saw this awesome painting in Trader Joe's the other day and had to take a picture. Hilarious! I seriously want it for our apartment. This weekend we have no plans and it kinda feels good! We'll call it a mysterious few days in which you can anxiously await our Monday post. Hopefully I'll have something to post..ha! Have a great weekend, friends!

Here are my favorite links for the week, enjoy!

For any of you hair color-ers out there.

A beautiful (and delicious) way to celebrate mom!

I'm asking for this for breakfast and this for dessert for Mother's Day.

This really made me laugh.

Design your own wallpaper!

Maybe the cutest cake stands ever.


Huzzah for the weekend! We have some good friends in town this weekend. We're having a grand time showing them around and Elliott is loving having some new playmates. In the picture he is playing hide and seek with us and totally didn't see us coming. So cute that boy. As excited as I am for the weekend to be here, I am even more excited for some great things that will be happening next week for Ardor! So check back next week so you don't miss it :) Have a great weekend my friends!

Here are my favorite links for the week, enjoy!

Bunting at a different angle.
I love it cause it's big.
Never heard of it, but I'm game!
Adorable kid gangsters.
Balloon lights? Yes! 
Make a globe.