
Yesterday was Elliott's last day of preschool. Ever. Though I am excited for summer break, I am not ready for him to be moving on to elementary school in just a few months. He has gotten too big too fast. Maybe I can stunt his growth and development by feeding him a steady diet of junk food? I kid, I kid. But seriously folks, we are so proud of our little man and all that he has accomplished and learned this year. Playing and singing is hard work! Now that summer vacation is officially here, we are off to splash in any body of water we can find and get tan. It's a little bitter sweet but man oh man are we excited for some summer fun! I will be working a little on a couple of upcoming projects. Think, Father's day! Yep, it's coming up fast. Whatever you do this weekend, I hope it's a good one! 

And the links for the week!

The cutest (and most colorful) baby shower ever!

Ultimate summer craft supply list.

Pretty rad party invitations.

One amazing kids room.

If you love moonrise kingdom and babies, you'll love this party.

I love this play castle!

A new meaning to crayon art.

I need to make and consume these ASAP.


Little explorer

Happy weekend! Guys, I will never tire of exploring with this kid and seeing the world through his eyes. It's the best. This weekend should be a good one. We have a lot of fun planned and very little work. So yeah. It's going to be a very good weekend. Today is my mom's day. For mother's day my sister and I gave my mom a girl's day out and she is cashing it in! So I am in for a day of shopping, the movies and of course, delicious food. I can't complain. Tomorrow we are spending some time, just the three of us and going to Elliott's girlfriend's dance recital. Talk about adorable. Whatever you have on your agenda, make it a good one! 

This week's favorite links:

Nothing like a paper bag puppet!

Because the dolls need to play too.

How fun would these be hung up in your home?

Perfect for a circus or carnival themed party.

Maybe the RADdest party for a one year old. Ever.

Think I could trick Elliott into eating this?

These guys make me happy.

Cute and easy. Just how I like it. 


Watercolor plastic eggs
Watercolor plastic eggs

Happy Easter weekend! We have had Elliott's cousins here the last few days and they were kind enough to help me decorate these eggs. Let me tell you about these eggs! They totally look like regular eggs, you can dye them or paint them like regular eggs, but they are in fact plastic! Basically, no more egg salad for the two weeks after Easter. And we can re-use them next year, if we don't want to make more of course. We found them at Walmart for less than $2 per dozen. I highly, highly recommend if you are planning on decorating some eggs before Sunday. This weekend we will be participating in more than one egg hunt, making a few things and waiting for the bunny to show up. Have a great Easter!

A few of my favorite links for the week:

Bunny lollipops, how have we not thought of this until now?

Bunny benches!

Going on a egg hunt this weekend? 

One rad poster.

I'm obsessed with this pop-up birthday message.

A new amazing book is about to hit virtual shelves. I can't wait!

I want to go on this picnic. So, so badly.

The coolest interactive book. Ever. 


watercolor paints

Happy weekend! I am so ready for this weekend and next week. I am taking a little bit of time off to spend some serious fun time with Elliott as it is his spring break. Lots of trips to the park, maybe the aquarium, and some other things we have been wanting to do. This weekend we don't have much planned yet. But I am itching to head to the drive-inn. We did it last year a few times just Preston and I, and I can't wait to share that goodness with Elliott. And per usual, we will probably do some painting. You can't imagine how many works of art we have all over our house! As much as I love, LOVE sharing my creative kiddo projects with you guys, sometimes there is something I love so much and want to share but just haven't had the space here to do it. And so! I've decided to start sharing some of my favorite links from around the web for the week every Friday. Just a few links to favorite images, ideas, pins, recipes, etc. You get the idea. It's not a new one that's for sure! So hopefully you guys enjoy them :)

Have a great weekend, friends. Here are this week's links!

These grilled cheese recipes have me feeling adventurous.

I'm obsessed with this brilliant Easter craft.

Easter balloons? Yes, please!

These would be sweet to have in a basket or two.

Amazing art center for littles.

Adorable bunny tees for kids!

Are you an apple or a pear? I think I might be both.


We are really looking forward to this weekend. My grandparents are coming to town and we are pretty excited about it! We have a weekend packed full of fun fall festivities and Halloween goodness. It's going to be a blast. And how about this pumpkin? Siamese pumpkins! We saw it at the pumpkin patch and knew we needed to give it a good home. And possibly some faces. I hope you are in for an amazing weekend as well. Until Monday, happy weekend!