/Yesterday was Elliott's last day of preschool. Ever. Though I am excited for summer break, I am not ready for him to be moving on to elementary school in just a few months. He has gotten too big too fast. Maybe I can stunt his growth and development by feeding him a steady diet of junk food? I kid, I kid. But seriously folks, we are so proud of our little man and all that he has accomplished and learned this year. Playing and singing is hard work! Now that summer vacation is officially here, we are off to splash in any body of water we can find and get tan. It's a little bitter sweet but man oh man are we excited for some summer fun! I will be working a little on a couple of upcoming projects. Think, Father's day! Yep, it's coming up fast. Whatever you do this weekend, I hope it's a good one!
And the links for the week!
The cutest (and most colorful) baby shower ever!
Ultimate summer craft supply list.
Pretty rad party invitations.
One amazing kids room.
If you love moonrise kingdom and babies, you'll love this party.
I love this play castle!
A new meaning to crayon art.
I need to make and consume these ASAP.